Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Meeting to be held on 26 June 2023


Representation on Outside Bodies 2023/24


Contact for further information - Diane Brooks – Principal Member Services Officer –

Tel No 01772 866720


Executive Summary


The Authority is requested to determine its representation on outside bodies for the 2023/24 municipal year.




The Authority is asked to consider and approve the representatives as set out in the report for 2023/24.



Press F11 key to tab down to grey boxes

The Authority approves representation on outside bodies at its AGM each year.  In addition, the Authority has delegated authority to the Chairman of the Authority (resolution 9/17 refers) to authorise as an ‘approved duty' any additional representation(s) to either the LGA Fire Commission or the Fire Services Management Committee.


Detailed below is the membership approved by the Authority for the 2022/23 municipal year: -




LGA Annual General Assembly

Fire Commission representative (Chairman is authorised to cast the Authority’s vote)

LGA Fire Commission

Chairman of the Authority

Vice-Chairman of the Authority

North West Fire and Rescue Forum



Chairman of the Authority

Vice-Chairman of the Authority

Leader of the Opposition


North West Fire Control Board of Directors

Chairman of the Authority

Vice-Chairman of the Authority


The Chairman has subsequently approved CC Hennessy and Cllr Hugo attend the LGA Fire Commission and Fire Services Management Committee meetings (as required) until the end of the LGA municipal year (September 2023).


Proposed representation for 2023/24


The Authority is now requested to determine its representation on outside bodies for the 2023/24 municipal year: 


LGA Annual General Assembly 2023/24

The Authority is requested to appoint the Chairman as its representative to cast the Authority’s vote.


LGA Fire Commission representatives 2023/24

The Authority is requested to appoint the Chairman and Vice-Chairman to be its representatives on the Local Government Association (LGA) Fire Commission. 


North West Fire & Rescue Forum

The Authority is requested to appoint representatives for 2023/24 in accordance with political balance rules as: -


·         Chairman of the Authority;

·         Vice-Chairman of the Authority;

·         Main Opposition Spokesperson.


Directors of North West Fire Control Company

Political balance rules do not apply in relation to the appointment of Directors. 


The Authority is requested to appoint as Directors for 2023/24: -


·         Chairman of the Authority;

·         Vice-Chairman of the Authority.

Business Risk



Environmental Impact



Equality and Diversity Implications




HR Implications




Financial Implications


Payment of relevant Allowances are in accordance with the Combined Fire Authority’s Members' Allowance Scheme.


Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers

Paper:            CFA Minutes

Date:               27 June 2022

Contact:         Diane Brooks, Principal Member Services Officer


Reason for inclusion in Part 2 if appropriate: N/A